Thursday, February 24, 2011

Personal Mission Statement 

A personal mission statement is  almost the same as a mission statement for a business.  A mission statement is used to help a business thrive and prosper. But a personal statement is used for us to write down our goals and they will help keep them in mind so that we may also thrive and prosper, although they are different the principles remain the same. The personal mission statement helps us see what's important and helps us set a goal that fits us perfectly.

I highly recommend you to keep one so that you may have
that goal you set for yourself in mind, and it will help you reach your goal.

Writing your Personal Mission Statement is not hard at all, these following steps will help you write your goal, and it only takes 5 easy steps(and a piece of paper and a writing tool)! :D

Step 1: Identify past successes. Identify four to five examples of where you have has personal successes. This could be at work, school, community etc. Write them down on your paper.

Step 2: Identify Core Values. On the same paper write down certain attributes you have that help shape who you are, make this list as long as you like.

Once the list is complete, narrow your list down into 6  most important values.

Finally pick one that is most important to you.

Step 3: Identify Contributions. Make a list of  ways that you can make a difference , in the world, family, friends, job, or your job.

Step 4: Identify Goals. Think about priorities you have in life or or goals for yourself.

Short term and long term goals.

Step 5: Write your Personal Mission. Now look at the lists you just made and think  of a goal that suits you,a goal that you would really like to accomplish. Write it down and keep that paper, keep it somewhere where it will be safe and  as time pases by you can adjust it a change it a bit, keep that paper until you reach your goal! :D

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